Dr. Saad Mutashar Abbas
Department of Electrical Engineering
Born in Baghdad, Iraq in January of 1961. He received his B.Sc and M.Sc degrees in 1984 and 1986 respectively from University of Belgrade, Serbia. In 2014, he received his PhD degree from National University of Malaysia (UKM). Since 2005 he is a Lecturer at the University of Technology, Iraq. The field of interest, Micro-electronics, designing implantable micro-system stimulator, bio-medical implantable devices and inductive coupling links for bio-medical applications. He is an IEEE member.

Assistant Professor
Ph.D Electronic Engineering University of UKM Malaysia , 2014 (Biomedical Electronics and Bio-implantable Devices)
M.Sc., Electronic Engineering, University of Belgrade,T Serbia, 1987
B.Sc., Electronic Engineering, University of Belgrade,T Serbia, 1984
Research Interests
• Bio-implantable Devices
• Inductive Coupling Links for Biomedical ApplicationsMicroelectronics
• Microelectronics.
• Electronic Circuit Design.
• Analog Electronics
• There are many of Awards such as reviewer Awards and so on,
• Awarde from UKM university .
• There are several of Awards as a Editor Board.