
Dr. Bassam H. Abed

Department of Electrical Engineering

Bassam H. Abed was born in Baghad in 1977 .He receved his B.Sc in 1993 m M.Sc in 2003 and Ph.D in 2016


  • Lecturer



Ph.D., Electronic Engineering, University of Technology, Iraq, 2016

M.Sc., Electronic Engineering, University of Technology, Iraq, 2004

B.Sc., MTC, Iraq, 1999


Research Interests


• Biomedical engineering


• Digital electronics

  • RK Yousif, IA Hashim, BH Abd,Engineering and Technology Journal 41 (8), 1-16, 2023 /Implementation of Hyperbolic Sine and Cosine Functions Based on FPGA using different Approaches
  • RK Yousif, IA Hashim, BH Abd,2023 6th International Conference on Engineering Technology and its …, 2023 /Low Area FPGA Implementation of Hyperbolic Tangent Function
  • SH Abd, BH Abd, IA Hashim, SH Shaker,TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 20 (3), 621-628, 2022 /Extraction and segmentation process for the Iraqi paper currency
  • RK Yousif, IA Hashim, BH Abd,2022 5th International Conference on Engineering Technology and its …, 2022 /FPGA Implementation of Polynomial Curve Fitting Approximation for Sine and Cosine Generator
  • MT Ali, BH Abd,2022 3rd International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET), 1-7, 2022 /An Efficient area Neural Network Implementation using tan-sigmoid Look up Table Method Based on FPGA
  • BH Abed,1st international conference on information technology and science (BICITS), 2021 /Smart House Hazard Alarm for Wireless Applications
  • FI Yasser, BH Abd, SM Abbas,Engineering and Technology Journal 39 (02), 316-325, 2021 /Detection of confusion behavior using a facial expression based on different classification algorithms
  • Bassam H. Abd,F Ibrahima, S Mutasharb,IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1105 (012026), 2021 /A Review of an Invasive and Non-invasive Automatic Confusion Detection Techniques
  • SH Muhi, HN Abdullah, BH Abd,International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems 13 (3), 154-166, 2020 /Modeling for predicting the severity of hepatitis based on artificial neural networks
  • HA Ismail, IA Hashim, BH Abd,2019 2nd international conference on engineering technology and its …, 2019 /A survey on linguistic interpretation of facial expressions and technologies
  • HN Abdullah, BH Abd, SH Muhi,2018 Third Scientific Conference of Electrical Engineering (SCEE), 39-44, 2018 /High-Resolution systems for automated diagnosis of hepatitis
  • JHJKA Saad Mutashar, Bassam Hameed,ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 12 (23), 6809-6816, 2017 /Design and implementation an effective energy transfer system for powering the remote implantable biomedical devices
  • HN Abdullah, BH Abd,2016 IEEE 11th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA …, 2016 /A simple FPGA system for ECG RR interval detection
  • MHA Bassam H.Abed, Raaed K.Ibrahim,International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing 4 (5), 29-32, 2015 /Design and Implementation of ECG ( Electrocardiograph ) Feature Extraction using Biomedical Workbench and LabView
  • HNA Bassam H. Abed,International Journal of Advance Research In Science And Engineering 4 (2 …, 2015 /Design and Implementation of ECG Monitoring System
  • BH Abed,Control and Systems Engineering Department, 330-337, 2011 /MODELING AND SIMULATION OF INTELLIGENT TRAFFIC LIGHT
  • HN Abdullah, IA Hashim, BH Abd,Engineering and Technology Journal 28 (15), 5079-5087, 2010 /Design and implementation of an intelligent traffic light system
  • • Certificate of Appreciation, University of Technology (UOT),Office of the President – December 2012