
Dr. Dhari Y. Mahmood

Department of Electrical Engineering

Dhari Y. Mahmood is an asst. Prof at the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Technology, Iraq. He has gained his M.Sc and Ph.D. in Electrical Power Engineering from Sant.Peterburg polytechnical Institute-Russa in 1986 and 1990 respectively. His BSc degree received in 1981 from the University of Baghdad-Collage of Engineering -Iraq. He is wok in the field of renewable energy and power system research. He supervises a large number of graduate students in both masters and Ph.D. degrees.


  • Professor


Ph.D., Electrical Power Engineering, Sant. Peterburg polytechnical Institute-Russa in 1990

M.Sc., Electrical Power Engineering, Sant. Peterburg polytechnical Institute-Russa in 1986

B.Sc., Electrical Engineering, University of Baghdad, Iraq, 1981.


Research Interests

• Electrical Power,

• Readability,

• Renewable Energy,

• load management ,

• power system



• Power system analysis,

• Power System Principles,

• Fundamental of electrical engineering,

• Power system operation and control,

• Power System stability

• Certificate Participant about the development of high administrators learning from Birmingham University, 2004,

• 64 thanks letter from the Prime Minister, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and the heads of Iraqi universities,

• 8 scientific shields