
Dr. Muhannad Y. Muhsin

Department of Electrical Engineering

Muhannad Y. Muhsin was born in Baghdad, Iraq in October of 1984. He received his B.Sc and M.Sc degrees in 2008 and 2012 respectively from UOT, Iraq. Since 2012, he has been a Lecturer in Electronic and communication Eng.


  • Lecturer


Ph.D. Electronic and Communication Engineering, University of Technology, Iraq, 2021

M.Sc., Electronic Engineering, University of Technology, Iraq, 2008.

B.Sc., Electronic Engineering, University of Technology, Iraq, 2008.


Research Interests

• Microwave Engineering

• Antennas and Wave Propagation

• Miniaturization

• FPGA Based System Design

• Software Defined Radio



• Digital communication Eng.,

• Electronic Eng.,

• FPGA and VHDL,

• Control Eng.

• University of Technology (UOT)Office of the President 2018