
Dr. Alaa Husein Ali

Department of Electrical Engineering

Alaa H. Ali was born in Baghdad, Iraq in November of 1970. He received his B.Sc and M.Sc degrees in 1993 and 2002 respectively from MTC, Iraq. He joined a PhD study at the Faculty of Laser and optoelectronic engineering at 2004, he has been a Assist Prof. of Optoelectronic Eng. at the UoT, Iraq. Starting scientific publishing since 2002, his interested focus on the optical fiber communication system, optical sensor, optical filter, and electromagnetic fields.


  • Professor



Ph.D., Optoelectronice Engineering, University of Technology, Iraq, 2008.

M.Sc., Electronic Engineering, MTC, Iraq, 2002.

M.Sc., Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,MTC 1993.


Research Interests

• Optical fiber communication.

• Optical fiber sensor.

• Optical filter.

• Optical network.



• Electromagnetic fields Theory.

• Optical communication.

• Optical circuit design.

• Advanced electronic circuit design.

• University of Technology awards (2)