Dr. Eyad I. Abbas
Department of Electrical Engineering

Eyad I. Abbas was born in Baghdad, Iraq in Aprilof 1963. He received his B.Sc in 1985, M.Sc degrees in 1998, and PhD. in 2004 from University of Technology Baghdad- Iraq. Starting scientific publishing since 1998, he has more than 20 publications in national and international conferences and journals. Prof.
Assist Professor
Ph.D. Electronic Engineering, University of Technology, Iraq, 2004
M.Sc., Electronic and communication Engineering, University of Technology, Iraq, 1998
B.Sc., Electronic and Communication Engineering, University of Technology, Iraq,1985
Research Interests
• biometric Recognition,
• smart system,
• Microcontroller
• electric principle,
• computer science,
• microprocessor,
• microcontroller,
• computer architecture,
• digital system design
• University of Technology (UOT),Office of the President – December 2012