
Dr. Mohammed H. Alkhafaji

Department of Electrical Engineering

Mohammed H. Alkhafaji was born in Baghdad, Iraq in July of 1980. He received his B.Sc and M.Sc from the University of Technology-Baghdad (UOT-Baghdad) in 2014 and 2016 respectively. Then, He achieved his Ph.D. from Cranfield University in 2017. his mother tongue is Arabic. he also speaks English. At the moment, he lives in Iraq, Baghdad, Albayaa’. 2004-2007, he was an electrician at Al-Mimar Company in Baghdad working with an industry partner in the knowledge of installing electrical equipment for houses and companies. From 2006 onward, he works for UOT-Baghdad in the electric and electronic engineering department. He has worked in various types of team Laboratory (power electronics team, machines team, High voltage team, control of systems team), and delivered lectures in various subjects of electrical engineering at many department of the UOT-Baghdad university such as Electromagnetic, AC and DC Machine, Electrics and Electronics fundamentals, Applied Physics, Power Transmission and Distribution, and control of power plants. Mohammed was working as a member in several committees in the Electrical engineering Department at UOT-Baghdad such as Post Graduate committee, student follow-up committee, Human resources committee, examination committee, and member of subjects’ discussion committee for the bachelor and M.Sc studies. He was involved with teaching staff at Cranfield University to teach Aramco group in 2014. 2014-2016 he has participated in a project of Intelligent Grid Interface Vehicle Eco-Charging – iGIVE as amber of Cranfield university within UK-China Cooperation. he has more than 9 publications in national and international conferences and journals.


  • Lecturer


Ph.D., A Novel Power Management and Control Design Framework for Resilient Operation of Microgrids, Cranfield University, UK, 2017

M.Sc., Electrical Engineering, University of Technology, Iraq, 2016.

B.Sc., Electrical Engineering, University of Technology, Iraq, 2014.


Research Interests

• Smart grid,

• Microgrid,

• optimal operation of Microgrid,

• management of electrical vehicles within Microgrid,

• hierarchical management for power and energy of Microgrid,

• Voltage Stability,

• Frequency Stability,

• traditional and multi-level converters.



• Fundamental of electrical engineering,

• Applied physics ,

• Electromagnetic field,

• Energy conversion,

• Power Transmission and Distribution,

• Control of power plants


• Academic Award from University of Technology – Iraq, and Cranfield University – UK.