
Dr. Najat H. Khalaf

Department of Electrical Engineering

Najat H. Khalaf was born in Baghdad, Iraq in January of 1966. She received her B.Sc, M.Sc and PhD degrees in 1988, 1994 and 2007 respectively from UOT, Iraq. She is a faculty member in the Electrical Engineering Department Electronic Engineering Section in UOT, Iraq. She is interested in Digital Electronic and Image Processing.


  • Lecturer


Ph.D., Electronic Engineering, University of Technology, Iraq, 2007.

M.Sc., Electronic Engineering, University of Technology, Iraq, 1994

B.Sc., Electronic and Communication Engineering, University of Technology, Iraq, 1988


Research Interests

• Digital Electronic

• image Prossecing



• Electromagnetic Fields,

• Advanced Electronics,

• Digital Electronics


• I got a number of thanks and appreciation books and certificates of appreciation.