
Dr. Sarab A. Mahmood

Department of Electrical Engineering

Sarab Ali Mahmood: was born in Baghdad, lraq in May of 1969.she received her B.Sc. in 2004 from University of technology, Iraq. Her M.Sc. degrees 2016 from South Russian State Polytechnic University, Russia. She is the director of the quality division, Electrical Engineering department in University of technology. Her field of interest is power system operation and control. She had 2 published papers. Interest includes: Power electronic, electrical engineering, control and renewable energy systems.


  • Lecturer


M.Sc., Electrical Power Engineering, South Russian State Polytechnic University, Russia, 2016.

B.Sc., Electrical Engineering, University of Technology, Iraq, 2004.


• Several books of thanks were obtained from the university president and head of the department during the years working in the department.